Friday, August 15, 2008


Day 2
Friday August 1st 2008

I woke up at about 10am with nothing but food on my mind. I didn’t get around to eating dinner the night before. I staggered to the door and opened it, bracing myself for the icy cold air I usually wake up to in Melbourne. IT WAS WARM! First thing in the morning and I’m greeted with sweet, warm air – it smelt like flowers and incense and the sun on my face was the most wonderful thing. My spirits were immediately lifted. I walked down to Mac’s Milk Bar & Cafe and had the best toasted sandwich I’ve experienced in quite some time... It was worth the $5.60 I paid for it. I then got an hour on the internet to upload the Spod/’Gurge photos, but the first thing I did was email some people from home (I’m talking like I’m overseas, I know) as I was getting quite desperate for any sort of communication at this point. I then went and had a nap, took some photos of the hostel and surroundings, and went and got a coffee at Mac’s. And that brings me to the present – sitting cross-legged on my bed, writing about the trip so far! I am considering having a cigarette, or maybe having another nap. I am actually kinda bored, but I'm trying to remember that it's always a long time between holidays...

GOOD SHOWER. I got the bus to the town centre which was absolutely hectic, no one over the age of thirty, everyone with arms full of snacks and alcohol... cars and mini-vans everywhere... Let the mayhem begin, kiddies. This is a great experience, even though I’m still all by myself. It’s officially been twenty-four hours. I swear these girls better get here soon, I no longer care what they’re like, I am desperate for even small-talk... I am now sitting on the floor of the dorm room with a can of bourbon which I really needed after the trip to the town. The bus driver was drinking, possibly drunk, and my fellow bus-mates were four girls, either under-age or just 18. They seemed to be battling it out for who could squeal the loudest or say the dumbest thing. Said surly bus driver was trying to scare them as much as possible, slamming on his brakes constantly and the like. Oh god, the screaming. Worse than the people on the plane, easy.
The weather is still perfect. It’s getting dark, but it’s so warm! I can’t imagine what summer would be like if winter is this glorious.

I am on my last bourbon, bit drunk. After a bit of quiet time feeling sorry for myself, I went and joined in at the BBQ. I made friends with some lovely girls from NSW/Adelaide/Perth... they were as annoyed by the squealy skanks as me. Turns out they are 16-17. Had some good times, then I got a phone call from Liz and when I came back everyone was gone. The two girls still aren’t here, so I am yet again in the room by myself bored out of my witts. I tried watching some TV but the only other guy in the common room was way too into SBS news, I couldn’t stay in there, the king of Tonga isn’t all that interesting. Some random in a flappy beanie came in and laughed about how overjoyed the scientists were about finding water on Mars then wandered out again. An Irish girl is playing a customised version of pool with a biker’s small son. I suspect I should sleep and declare this boring day OVER. These makeshift blog entries are getting more and more boring.

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