Caz left on Day Five after a very stressful wait for the bus, and I explored the town, it was absolutely gorgeous. I had a psychic reading done which was absolutely mind-blowing, did some shopping and spend some time soaking up the sun at the beach and taking pictures.
I shared some mugs of wine with some Sydney girls on my last night at the hostel, while watching The Hurricane and Knocked Up (both good movies) and then went to bed. On Day Six I was woken from a nap by an irishman who was taking one of the three spare bunks I had. He was nice but I couldn't understand him very well.
I left on the evening of Day Six feeling like a million dollars. I felt like a new person, no holiday has ever done that to me. You know what? It's not something I care to share on a blog. It's something that is going to stay in my heart until the day I die, the whole trip. I am doing it again next year - bigger and better.
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