Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Well, it's been quite some time between posts so I thought I better write something.
What have I been doing lately? I shot Jimmy Barnes @ The Palms, Crown a few weeks ago... It was quite a difficult gig. We were only allowed to stand in one spot:

So yeah, I wasn't too thrilled with my shots. Oh well, it was an interesting experience which lead to some pretty important epiphanies...
Other than that, a sort-of-secret project is keeping me extremely busy. Hush hush!
I leave for Byron Bay on Thursday evening, to spend five glorious days in what will be some very welcome warm weather... And of course two of those days will be spent at Splendour in the Grass! I'm mostly looking forward to Cold War Kids, love love love love love!

Other upcoming things of niceness:
  • Regurgitator/Spod @ The East Brunswick Club [shooting]
  • Interview/promo shoot with Spod
  • Trial Kennedy @ Ding Dong
  • Cold War Kids @ The Palace
  • Death Cab for Cutie @ The Palace
  • The Faint @ The Prince Bandroom [shooting]
  • The birth of about 8,000 friends' babies.

Things I am hoping like crazy to get to:

  • Grazzhopper Festival
  • Parklife Festival
  • Falls Festival

That's about it from me, I'll update from Byron Bay! :D

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